• Enzalutamide was generally well tolerated in this study and analyses of the UPWARD
adverse event data are consistent with enzalutamide´s safety profile
• The results of the UPWARD study suggest that enzalutamide did not increase the risk of
seizures in men with mCRPC known to have potential risk factors for seizure
• The observed incidence of all confirmed seizures, as of data cut-off, was comparable
with that in men with mCRPC and similar potential risk factors with no exposure to
enzalutamide (data on file, TRUVEN Health Report 2013)
1. Slovin SF,
et al. J Clin Oncol
2017;35(suppl 6S): abstract 147, Poster presentation F1;
2. Xtandi (enzalutamide) Summary of Product Characteristics (Date of Revision: July 2017).
Seizures and enzalutamide:
Myth or reality?